The EuroHPC Summit 2024, organised by our funder, the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, took place on March 18-21, 2024. More than 600 interested representatives from academia, industry, and public administration registered for the event. Α diverse programme consisting of plenary talks, panels, parallel sessions, and workshops filled the 4-day milestone event for the HPC community.

Our project coordinator, Mr. Marcin Lawenda from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center took part in the panel about “Deploying Flagship Codes on EuroHPC Supercomputers”! Besides a short introduction to the project, Marcin presented the current status of the deployment of HiDALGO Codes on EuroHPC Systems as well as the barriers and drivers for the process.

We were also represented in the event with a project poster, showcasing the highlights of HiDALGO2.