Training makes HiDALGO2 a centre for knowledge, experience and expertise by exchanging ideas on developing novel/adapted solutions to tackle Global Challenges and further advancing the uptake of Exascale at a European scale.
Training at HiDALGO2 collects and shares knowledge, best practices, available resources and mechanisms for appliances, applications and software frameworks for tackling Global Challenges with HPC and AI. HPC experts are made aware of Global Challenges themes and support Global Challenges scientists concerning scaling and optimization codes.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and the HiDALGO2 training platform.
Training Session: Containerization, CI/CD, and Benchmarking Solutions for HPC

During the 3-day training (March 24-26, 2025), you will learn how to create containers for HiDALGO2 codes and scientific HPC applications and implement CI/CD workflows using GitHub Actions, GitLab Runners, and JacamarCI.
Workshop on advancements of Global Challenges applications (AGCA)- 15th PPAM 2024 Conference

A keynote speaker of this workshop is Prof. Michael M. Resch, Director of our partner, the High-Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart, who will give a speech on “Sustainable HPC for Global Challenges”.
Hackathon by HiDALGO2 and SEAVEA projects

Do not miss the chance to join this joint hackathon that focuses on enabling Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for HPC simulations using the SEAVEA toolkit (SEAVEAtk). Any HPC application researcher is invited to join, irrespective of their source domain. During the event, participants will learn about the SEAVEA toolkit and engage in hands-on learning by interacting with the SEAVEAtk experts, who will help them apply their choice of SEAVEAtk tools to their codes and applications. It will take place physically at the premises of our partner, High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany. Stay tuned for the agenda.
Centres of Excellence: Deploying Flagship Codes on EuroHPC Supercomputers session at EuroHPC Summit 2024 Summit

On Tuesday 19 March 2024, 11:30-13:00, our project coordinator Dr Marcin Lawenda from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center will present this session at the EuroHPC Summit 2024 conference.
CoE HiDALGO2: Urban Building Modeling and Simulation lecture

On March 28, 2024 Christophe Prud’homme, from our partner CEMOSIS will give a course/lecture about the Urban Building Use Case to the doctoral students at the Strasbourg University. The title of the lecture is “CoE HiDALGO2: Urban Building Modeling and Simulation.
HiDALGO2’s wildfire simulations presented at UME – Spanish Military Emergency Unit’s training

Our partner in Spain, Meteogrid, explained to the Military Emergency Unit (UME – Spanish Army) how to use HIDALGO2’s numerical simulation tool during a training of the Unit on the subject of wildfires.
HiPEAC Conference’s workshops

HiDALGO2 team members elaborated on efficient simulation systems in the area of Global Systems Science in a joint workshop during the HiPEAC conference at the Science Congress Center last January 2024, in Munich. Digital twin applications, performance improvement, uncertainty estimation, and HPC access instrumentation were among the subjects of this workshop entitled, “Towards Reliable Digital Twin: advancing applications and Tools’ capabilities for Global Challenges”.
HiDALGO2 Urban Building Pilot at the Exa-DI workshop on Efficient Discretization @Exascale

In the first workshop of the Exa-DI project by the NumPEx programme, our French partner Cemosis presented the challenges we face to reach exascale computing from the discretisation point of view. The HiDALGO2 Urban Building pilot has been submitted to be one of the Application Demonstrators of Exa-DI.
A Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification by HiDALGO2, SEAVEA, and CIRCE

The first step in HiDALGO2’ s collaboration with the Software Environment for Actionable and VVUQ-evaluated Exascale Applications (SEAVEA) and Computational Immediate Response Center for Emergencies (CIRCE) was conducted paving the way for the joint hackathon in June 2024.