10 September 2024
PPMAP 2024 Conference (September 08-11, 2024) Ostrava, Czech Republic

HiDALGO2 project partners will organise a workshop entitled “Workshop on advancements of global challenges applications” (AGCA) on 10 September 2024, during the 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (PPAM 2024 Conference) that will be held at Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 08 – 11, 2024.
The invited speakers to our workshop are Rafał Duczmal, Chair of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) Governing Board, and Prof. Michael M. Resch, Director of our partner, the High-Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart. The latter will speak on “Sustainable HPC for Global Challenges”. As high-performance computing is a key factor in the development and understanding of a sustainable future, in this talk we will learn more about the role of different factors that allow us to optimise sustainability of systems and centers. We will also have a look at several scientific fields that help to tackle global challenges, specifically the challenge of a sustainable future.

Global Challenges (GC) address problems that require interdisciplinary expertise, and demands for solutions at scale due to their inherent complexity. Thus, GC aims to explore synergies between modelling, data acquisition, simulation, data analysis, and visualisation along with achieving better scalability on current and future HPC and AI infrastructures to deliver highly-scalable solutions that can effectively utilise pre-exascale systems.
The AGCA workshop is intended to be a forum for discussion ideas for the development of high-scale simulation applications for tackling GC demands, with particular emphasis on their scalability, efficiency, and co-design.
Interested parties may submit their papers until May 5, 2024, and the notification of acceptance is on June 17, 2024. The authors of the best articles selected by the program committee and the guest editors will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue of journals such as Future Generation Computer Systems, Int. Journal of High-Performance Computing Applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
The workshop’s chairs are Marcin Lawenda, project coordinator of HiDALGO2 from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poland and Łukasz Szustak from the Czestochowa University of Technology in Poland. AGCA event is a collaborative venture of HiDALGO2, HANAMI, Plasma-PEPSC, EoCoE, BioExcel, ESiWACE, EXCELLERAT, and CASTIEL2.

More about PPAM
The PPAM 2024 conference, the fifteenth in a series, will cover topics in parallel and distributed processing, including theory and applications, as well as applied mathematics. The focus will be on models, algorithms, and software tools which facilitate efficient and convenient utilisation of modern parallel and distributed computing architectures, as well as on large-scale applications. Special attention is expected to be given to the future of computing beyond Moore’s Law, and AI/ML approaches in high-performance computing.

PPAM is a biennial conference started in 1994, with the proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences series. The PPAM Proceedings are indexed in main databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and DBLP.
The PPAM 2024 conference is organised by the Department of Computer Science of the Czestochowa University of Technology together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center of the Technical University of Ostrava, under the patronage of the Committee of Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. PPAM 2024 will take place in VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba)
You can read more about PPAM and the workshop here.
For more information, you can contact:
Marcin Lawenda
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Jana Pawła II 10 , 61-139 Poznań, POLAND
email: lawenda@man.poznan.pl

Photo credits: PPAM website
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