What we gained from the 2024 InPEx project’s workshop

The 2024 InPEX participants – Photo credit: Neovia Innovation

An innovative effort to promote global cooperation and co-design—crucial in the path to and beyond Exascale computing—is the International Post-Exascale Project (InPEx) workshops. In the current fast-paced world of Exascale computing, these seminars seek to close the gaps between different national and international initiatives. These include important initiatives like the FugakuNEXT project in Japan, the ECP project in the US, the EuroHPC program, and the French NumPEx project.

In June 2024, the InPEx community met in June 2024 in Sitges, Spain, bringing together over one hundred HPC specialists from the US, Japan, and the EU. Sai Narasimhamurthy, the SRA leader for ETP4HPC, led the breakout session on the digital continuum. In the framework of the Digital Continuum, he provided an overview of the work completed by ETP4HPC for Destination Earth.

From our project, HiDALGO2, Christophe Prud’homme from our partner, Cemosis along with Dennis Hoppe from our partner, HLRS, had the chance to participate actively and share some general overview of the key topics discussed, the main outcomes of the workshop, the actions points and the next steps of all stakeholders. Also, Dennis Hoppe gave a talk on EuroHPC CI/CD.

Key topics

As we advance into the era of post-exascale computing, it is essential to focus on some key topics that will drive innovation and ensure sustainable growth in this domain. The InPEx workshop 2024 aimed to address these critical areas by bringing together researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and funding bodies to foster collaboration and share insights. Here are the main topics of interest:

  • AI for Science and Science (HPC) for AI.
  • Mathematics and Computer Science at (post)Exascale.
  • Software Production, Management, and Sustainability at (post)Exascale:
    • Packaging, Documentation, and Builds.
    • Results and Catalogues.
    • Continuous Integration and Linux Builds (E4S, etc.).
  • Future and Disruptive Technologies and Usage (Investments and Roadmaps).
  • Digital Continuum and Data Management.
  • Co-design (HW & SW & Apps), Benchmarks, and Evaluation.
  • Energy and Environmental Impact and Sustainability.
  • TrainingInPEx Project Expected Outcomes.

InPEx project and workshop 2024’s outcomes

  • Identify future trends/disruptions and missing software components.
  • Contribute to developing deployable, maintainable, robust, and sustainable software components, fostering a partnership factory.
  • Create landmark documents widely utilised globally to support future post-exascale science.   
  • Develop an international network of exascale computing experts and leaders.
  • Discuss and organise the InPEx workshop series, including agenda, and funding.     
  • Prepare for the InPEx Birds of a Feather (BOF) session at SC’24 and other events.   
  • Enrich group leaders (Europe/USA/Japan) for future technical workshops.


To achieve these outcomes, the InPEx project decided to undertake the following actions:

  • Establish International Working Groups.
  • Organise the InPEx Workshop Series.

InPex workshop 2023 (Credit: https://inpex.science)

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